
Why is Art – A philosophical standpoint on the allure of art

Why is Art


Essentially, art is and will always be subjective. It is the uniqueness within the mysteries of our very own judgments and thought processes that allow differing interpretations of what exactly is a spectacular beauty, a true ‘piece of art’, and what we may dismiss as a failed attempt. The philosophical question remains, perhaps eternally unanswerable; ‘Why do we esteem certain creations as so-called art?’. I dare attempt to answer this, albeit, fully understanding that even my answer is subjective and may not, nay, WILL NOT, adhere to most if not anyone at all and their own interpretation of their reality.

It is a secretive conspiracy within our own depths, within the layers that have yet to be exposed, those layers that manage to somehow send chills down your spine when you hear a particular passage in a musical composition, yet placing a truly meaningful reason as to why in words seems a fleeting exercise in futility. It’s as though as we evolved as a species and became more and more cognizant of our existence, and the ever-growing mystery as to what is expected from our perceivable time here, we have become less and less aware of the primal awe that our predecessors may have had when, for example, the recognition between the vibrant hues of colors in an early meadow, with the varying flora, and how their organic dynamics presented as a visual attractor. Perhaps our ancestors were in awe of such stark beauty and were able to determine exactly why it was that the perception of different refracting light patterns was moving? It’s as though the beauty that is art is destined to fade over time as we become accustomed to certain ‘novel’ patterns that become ‘not-so-novel’ with its proliferation, and as a result, the wonder dies within our hearts, the way that the illusion collapses when you’ve watched a movie for the second time, and it doesn’t provide the same level of entertainment once the twist is known to you ahead of its presentation. We are destined to weep at the altars of all our creations.

But there is hope. It is in the form of the very essence that itself drives art into being disremembered and obsolete. It is in the form of the perpetual state of dreams that inspire new work in all artists and the mystery into how and why it is that “art is art”, the same unending font of disillusion is the same ever-yielding font of creation, and as long as there is breath in every artist, there is aspiration to create and present, to captivate with our very own and unique amalgamations of our deepest mysteries.

So, at the risk of sounding tiringly philosophical; What is art? It is the ancient mystery that dwells forever out of reach from understanding, but always within our spectrum of emotions.

Copyright © Ernesto Mora@ThePOEMHOME All Rights Reserved.

The Difference between Man-Made Faiths, and Faith that makes man

The Difference between Man-Made Faiths, and Faith that makes man.

“Religion” is what every individual makes it out to be for his or herself, and as such it has become very perverse in that man has taken this ideology and converted it into a propaganda machine. I am no theologian, but my many years on this earth have led me to make my own conclusions as to what the “truth” that eludes many if not all of us is.

Many are quick to denounce religion AND creationism in one fell swoop as if they both were the same thing. It is the specific job of any religion to explain how we and everything around us came to be and how to synchronize ourselves in harmony. In creationism, without the need for a specific religion to call its home, the belief is mainly that everything is the result of a “higher being” having conceived what we perceive as our reality and everything therein. It offers no explanation (in my opinion) as to the how and why, but alas, that is the entire point of having “faith”.

Now I’m sure you hear these questions very often. “If there is a God, why does he allow such things to happen?” Of course referring to disasters, tragedies and all unfortunate events that befall humankind all the time.

All these events, however, are the result of human dissonance and natural disasters. The massacres of man upon man, the hatred due to opposing views, retaliation, murder massacre, mayhem, and all a part of a cycle started long before our time that has since been unable to halt.

“What about diseases and the sick and dying? If God made all things, why did he make diseases possible?” Circumstantially, it would seem, these microscopic living things have the right to live as well, unfortunately, their processes include host migration in order to survive, and our bodies are inept and have not adapted for all of them yet.

Philosophically speaking, are we as mankind not the same as these microbial sentient beings? Obviously on a bigger scale, going from place to place, adapting to the environment and changing it over the course to suit our survival?  Sometimes at the expense of that area? It is, in my opinion, the same.

I say all that to say this: Faith is, in a nutshell, the belief in something without necessarily having tangible proof of that thing’s existence. People allude to “the white beard man upstairs” “up” in heaven, but to them, I say, who is to say that he is in appearance as they assume based off of what I’m sure is derived from their Judeo-Christian upbringing. These depictions were only to give the masses something to go off on when they offered their praises to their Creator. Why must people base their final resolution to convert to apparent atheism based on disagreeing with what was told to them at a younger age?

Now we have the age old question; “What came first? The chicken or the egg?” In essence is the question. Perhaps our creator was simply there, as a result of something we aren’t meant to understand be it for now, temporarily, or be it ever.

Now I’ve heard this argument plenty before coming from die-hard atheists who use the controversial big bang theory as the root for their explanation into the beginning of everything. The problem is, this quasi “proven” theory itself introduces many plot-holes similar to their argument into their question; “who created the Creator?” Namely, “What created the big bang?” Many times they will reply that it came from nothing and was “just an event that took place.” Most recently, a plethora of neo-theoretical opinions came about from the obvious lack of faith into the big bang theory by many.

One, in particular, is the idea that another universe already existed prior to the big bang and it had been expanding similar to our universe to a point where it imploded thusly causing the big bang resulting in our “new” universe. Here’s my point, I choose to believe, through my faith, that yes, perhaps we came about through a cataclysmic event such as the big bang, but how does that expel the possibility of a Creator? This theory commonly touted by the scientific community as irrefutable “proof” denouncing the existence of God, simply put, still, leaves many questions unanswered. Perhaps God created the big bang to create us? Maybe, like I said, we may never truly know, perhaps even for the better.

People need to use their own mind to draw their own conclusion as to what God really is? The Creator of everything, who has gifted us with undeniable resources so we could go on our own and build this modern society through our strong human perseverance. This is all a test (in my opinion) by our “father” our creator to determine our will to survive, to come to peaceful resolutions with one another and to live in relative peace, What good would it do us to have all the answers to the test beforehand? Everyone would pass, and the truly deserving would go unnoticed.